Factsheets for Red Seaweeds (phylum Rhodophyta)

Genus: Scinaia Trade name: scinaia Symbol: SC
AuthorityBivona-Bernardi Type species: Scinaia furcellata (Turner) J. Agardh 
Commercial species:  moniliformis (MON)
Common names: Scinaia 
Classification: Eukaryota, Phylum Rhodophyta, Class Rhodophyceae, Subclass Florideophycidae, Order Nemaliales, Family Galaxauraceae. 
AlgaeBase names and species:  49 names - 36 current as of 12-2001.
Comprehensive lists of common names , generic & specific names can be found at AlgaeBase. >>Click here<<  for DiveBorneo's policy on names.
DiveBorneo SeaPlant Utility Rating
Minor wild crop used for food
In preparation.
In preparation.

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Scinaia production
click country to go to GIS
Tons per annum
wild harvest
Tons per annum
Philippines n/a 0


n/a 0
Production figures are being sought.
Biology & Agronomy
In preparation.
In preparation.
We have several monographs in progress covering analytical procedures post-harvest treatment and process technology. Check the processing index for available web pages and monographs. 
Products, Uses & Applications
List of species' uses and community affiliations
Genus GenID SpID Species Uses Communities
Scinaia SC MON moniliformis FH SV

click to relevant uses or communities on the index/legend table below>>>

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Scinaia is most strongly associated with the  Seavegetables community.
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