Factsheets for Red Seaweeds (phylum Rhodophyta)

Genus: Betaphycus Trade name: gelatinae Symbol: BE
Authority: Doty ex P.C. Silva Type species:  Betaphycus philippinensis Doty
Commercial species: gelatinae (GEL)
Common names: Eucheuma, Gelatinae (also see Eucheuma names)
Classification: Eukaryota, Phylum Rhodophyta, Class Rhodophyceae, Subclass Florideophycidae, Order Gigartinales, Family Areschougiaceae.
AlgaeBase names and species:  3 names - 3 current as of 12-2001.
Comprehensive lists of common names , generic & specific names can be found at AlgaeBase. >>Click here<<  for DiveBorneo's policy on names.
DiveBorneo SeaPlant Utility Rating
Minor wild crop - some aquaculture used for food & galactans
Agronomy must use good  environmental practices.
Smallest of the Eucheumas. Fronds are apically flat, pliable and arising from marginal cylindrical teeth. Tolerates direct wave action.
Tends to grow in high in the subtidal zone in coral reef areas with exposure to heavy wave action.

For a thorough treatment see DiveBorneo Monograph # 1-0703
The ABC of Eucheuma Seaplant Production
Agronomy, Biology and Crop-handling of Betaphycus, Eucheuma and
the Gelatinae, Spinosum and Cottonii  of Commerce
Betaphycus Production
click country to go to GIS
Tons per annum
wild harvest
Tons per annum
China 300 n/a
Philippines n/a n/a
Vietnam n/a n/a


300 n/a
Approximate annual production figures from recent years are as above.
Biology & Agronomy
Harvested from the wild but also cultivated to some extent in China. Tends to grow slowly. The generic name "Betaphycus" may be on slightly shaky ground among taxonomists but the carrageenan synthesised by this genus are distinct from a commercial standpoint and the plants deserve a separate classification from that viewpoint.
A source of beta carrageenan - a biopolymer rather similar to the extract of Furcellaria.
We have several monographs in progress covering analytical procedures post-harvest treatment and process technology. Check the processing index for available web pages and monographs. 
Products, Uses & Applications
 Minor source of carrageenan. Would probably find more uses if it could be cultivated at a price similar to that of Kappaphycus or Eucheuma.
List of species' uses and community affiliations
Genus GenID SpID Species Uses Communities
Betaphycus BE GEL gelatinae FI BP

click to relevant uses or communities on the index/legend table below>>>

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Betaphycus is most strongly associated with the Biopolymer community.
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