Authority: Doty |
Type species: n/a |
Commercial species: alvarezii (ALV), cottonii (COT). inerme (INM), interme (INR), striatum (STT), procrusteanum (PRO) |
Common names: Agal agal, Agal agal besar, Agar-agar, Agar agar besar, Agar agar pulau, Agar agar seru laut, Chilin-t' sai, Cottonii, Eucheuma, Eucheuman, Guso, Kirinsai |
Classification: Eukaryota, Phylum Rhodophyta, Class Rhodophyceae, Subclass Florideophycidae, Order Gigartinales, Family Areschougiaceae. |
AlgaeBase names and species: 6 names - 6 current as of 12-2001. |
For a thorough treatment see DiveBorneo Monograph # 1-0703 |
The ABC of Eucheuma Seaplant Production Agronomy, Biology and Crop-handling of Betaphycus, Eucheuma and Kappaphycus the Gelatinae, Spinosum and Cottonii of Commerce |
Production Almost all commercially available Kappaphycus is cultivated. This is a fast-growing genus that can exhibit specific growth rates on the order of 3-6% per day and yields upwards of 30 dry tons/hectare/year on well-tended farms. Approximate annual production figures from recent years are shown above. Please note that Kappaphycus cultivation has been tried over the past three decades in several countries and attempts to grow the genus commercially continue in many countries. Many have made a few commercial shipments and some may yet become steady commercial sources. These countries include Brazil, Cuba, Djibouti, French Antilles, French Polynesia, Guam, Federated States of Micronesia (notably Ponape), Honduras, Japan, Kenya, Kiribati, Maldives, Myanmar, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, USA (Hawaii), Venezuela and Vietnam. |
We have several documents in progress for the Carragar Community. Click to the production index to see available web pages and monographs. Two that are of particular relevance to Kappaphycus farming are the Definition of Factors Critical to the Success of Seaplant Farming Ventures and the Guide to Seaplant Farm Development & Management. |
Biology & Agronomy Commercial cottonii production is currently on the order of 80-120,000 dry tons per year at the commercial standard of 38% moisture-content. Although some cottonii is consumed directly as human food most material is used as a source of the commercially valuable marine biopolymer (red algal galactan) called carrageenan. Cottonii is commercially cultivated on a substantial, continuous basis in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia (Sabah) and Tanzania. Experimental farming or intermittent commercial activity has occurred in several countries including China, Japan, Federated States of Micronesia (Ponape), Fiji, Kiribati, USA (Hawaii), Belize, Cuba, Venezuela, Madagascar, Maldives, Vietnam, and India. In all of these countries cultivation has utilised cultivars initially developed to commercial scale in the Philippines. In some cases local cultivars have also entered commercial production but it appears that most of the world crop is still descended from introduced Philippine material. |
Chemistry We also have a monograph in process on the subject of red algal galactans. These are the basis for commercial marine biopolymers such as carrageenan and agar. |
Processing We have several monographs in progress covering analytical procedures, post-harvest treatment and semi-refining technology for Kappaphycus and other eucheuma seaweeds. Check the processing index for available web pages and monographs. |
Products, Uses & Applications Most Kappaphycus is dried, baled or sacked and shipped for processing into semirefined or refined carrageenan. Some is eaten fresh as food. Check the Carragar Links and the Biopolymer Links for information on these topics. |
List of species' uses and community affiliations |
Genus |
GenID |
SpID |
Species |
Uses |
Communities |
Kappaphycus |
KA |
alvarezii |
FH, FI, IA, MD, PA, PC, WB |
BP, FM, SV, WB |
Kappaphycus |
KA |
cottonii |
FH, FI, IA, MD, PA, PC, WB |
BP, FM, SV, WB |
Kappaphycus |
KA |
inerme |
FH, FI, IA, MD, PA, PC, WB |
BP, FM, SV, WB |
Kappaphycus |
KA |
interme |
FH, FI, IA, MD, PA, PC, WB |
BP, FM, SV, WB |
Kappaphycus |
KA |
procrusteanum |
FH, FI, IA, MD, PA, PC, WB |
BP, FM, SV, WB |
Kappaphycus |
KA |
striatum |
FH, FI, IA, MD, PA, PC, WB |
BP, FM, SV, WB |
click to relevant uses or communities on the index/legend table below>>> |
to uses to communities  |
Kappaphycus is most strongly associated with the Seaweed and Biopolymer communities. The genus is also eaten as a Seavegetable. |