Building seaplant value chains... from the sun - through seaplants - to you...

What we do and where we do it
Specialty: Enabling solutions for tropical seaplant value chains
Focus: Strategic alliance networks among small-medium enterprises (SME)
Scope: Global seaplant value chains
Mission: Enabling profitable seaplant businesses
Hubs: Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines
Spokes: Extending through tropical Asia and the Indo-Pacific region
What we can provide to you

Terms such as "enabling solution" and "value chain" may be state-of-the-art jargon but what do they mean to you? In plain language they are the essence of your seaplant business environment. Our mission is to assist seaplant SME that seek profitable links to global markets. Learn more...

Tropical Algatech - Opportunities for Asia
Tropical Algatech
Opportunities for Asia that we can help you to pursue
We are based in Asia and our specialty is tropical seaplant value chains.
Learn more...

Practical seaplant cultivation for the 21st century

Developing and enabling intensive commercial culture systems for seaplants of all sizes. Visit the site...

DiveBorneo is a project of...

Marine Botanicals Marine Botanicals Sdn. Bhd.
(Malaysian Company No. 626916-U)
Mail: P.O. Box 22051, 88778 Luyang, Sabah, Malaysia.
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All rights reserved 2013