Authority: C. Agardh |
Type species: Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C. Agardh |
Commercial species: abbotae (ABB), acanthophora (ACA), atropurpurae (ATR), columbina (COL), crispata (CRP), fallax (FAL), haitanensis (HAI), kuniedae (KUN), leucostica (LEU), perforata (PER), pseudolanceolata (PSE), seriata (SER), spirilis (SPR), suborticulata (SUB), tenera (TEE), torta (TOR), umbilicalis (UMB), vietnamensis (VIE), yezoensis (YEZ) & spp. |
Common names: Amanori, Ana-amanori, Asakusa nori, Beni-tasa, California laver, Casóg, Chi Choy, Chi Tsai, Chishima Kuro-nori |
Classification: Eukaryota, Phylum Rhodophyta, Class Rhodophyceae, Subclass Bangiophycidae, Order Bangiales, Family Bangiaceae. |
AlgaeBase names and species: 236 names - 113 current as of 12-2001. |
Production Approximate annual production figures from recent years are as above. |
Biology & Agronomy Porphyra is a valuable crop. The story of how, in 1949, Kathleen Drew-Baker discovered that Conchocelis rosea was actually a stage in the life history of Porphyra is one of the great stories in aquaculture development. Drew-Baker discovered that Porphyra has a trimorphic life history, with a thallus stage, carposporophyte stage and a filamentous Conchocelis phase. There is a wealth of literature about Porphyra and a useful primer has been but in the web by Lisa Chen. For a brief description of wild harvesting in Europe see Seaweed.ie. |
Chemistry In preparation. |
Processing We have several monographs in progress covering analytical procedures post-harvest treatment and process technology. Check the processing index for available web pages and monographs. |
Products, Uses & Applications Porphyra is mainly used as human food, largely in the form of paper-like sheets that are made from chopped plants and generally known as "nori" (a Japanese staple). Powdered Porphyra is also used as a component in nutraceutical and wellbeing products. |
List of species' uses and community affiliations |
Genus |
GenID |
SpID |
Species |
Uses |
Communities |
Porphyra |
PO |
abbottae |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
acanthophora |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
atropurpurae |
FH, MD |
SV, WB |
Porphyra |
PO |
columbina |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
crispata |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
fallax |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
haitanensis |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
kuniedae |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
leucostica |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
perforata |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
pseudolanceolata |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
seriata |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
spirilis |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
spp. |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
suborticulata |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
tenera |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
torta |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
umbilicalis |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
vietnamensis |
FH |
SV |
Porphyra |
PO |
yezoensis |
FH |
SV |
click to relevant uses or communities on the index/legend table below>>> |
to uses to communities  |
Porphyra is most strongly associated with the Seavegetables and Wellbeing communities. |