Authority: C. Agardh |
Type species: Sargassum natans (Linnaeus) Gaillon |
Commercial species: aquifolium (AQU), crassifolium (CRF), filipendula (FII), gramminifolium (GRM), henslowianum (HEN), horneri (HOR), ilicifolium (ILI), mcclurei (MCC), myriocystum (MYR), oligocystum (OLI), polycystum (POL), siliquosum (SIQ), wightii (WIG), vachelliannum (VAC) & spp. |
Common names: Agar-agar koepan, Beerentang, Binder's sargassum weed, Cattle sargassum weed, Ginbaso, Gulf weed, Holly Limu, Hondawara, Hondawara, Horsetail tangle, Kala-lauli`I, Kala-launui, Limu Honu, Limu kala, Mojaban, Narrowleaf sargassum weed, Qunbar al-ma, Qunbar al-ma, Qunbar al-ma, Sargassum weed |
Classification: Eukaryota, Phylum Heterokontophyta, Order Fucales, Family Sargassaceae. |
AlgaeBase names and species: 599 names - 276 current as of 12-2001. |
Production There are few statistics on the Sargassum harvest and actual harvests are probably several times the figures shown above. |
Biology & Agronomy Wild harvest. |
Chemistry Sargassum species serve as sources of alginates. DiveBorneo has a monograph in preparation concerning alginate chemistry. Also reported to contain fucoidan. |
Processing We have several monographs in progress covering analytical procedures post-harvest treatment and process technology. Check the processing index for available web pages and monographs. |
Products, Uses & Applications Sargassum species are the tropical equivalent to Ascophyllum and Fucus in terms of uses and applications. They are used as raw materials for alginate production and are also used as a component of animal feed and a source of liquid plant foods or plant biostimulants. There may also be nutraceutical or pharmaceutical applications for fucoidan and other bioactive extracts of the genus. |
List of species' uses and community affiliations |
Genus |
GenID |
SpID |
Species |
Uses |
Communities |
Sargassum |
SA |
aquifolium |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
crassifolium |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
filipendula |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
gramminifolium |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
henslowianum |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
horneri |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
ilicifolium |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
mcclurei |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
myriocystum |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
oligocystum |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
polycystum |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
siliquosum |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
spp. |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
vachelliannum |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
Sargassum |
SA |
wightii |
FA, FI, FF, IA, PA |
AI, BP |
click to relevant uses or communities on the index/legend table below>>> |
to uses to communities  |
Sargassum is most strongly associated with the Agri-industrial and Biopolymer communities. |