www.DiveSabah.com |
The marbled cat and the leopard cat are present in Tabin and are best seen during night safaris when they can sometimes be approached closely. Clouded leopards are also occasionally seen on night safaris. Mongoose and civets are common both in Tabin and in the surrounding oil palm estates. During night safaris the civets can often be spotted by the reflection from their eyes and by the distinctive curl of their long tail as it hangs down from the civets’ as they sit on tree branches. |
These photos show a leopard cat (left) and a clouded leopard (right). |
Photo by Riine Hynniene |
Sabah Wildlife Dept. photo |
The drawing at left illustrates the common palm civet. The photo at right shows a binturong (a.k.a. bearcat). |
Drawing by Riine Hynniene |
Sabah Wildlife Dept. photo |
Order Carnivora, Family Viverridae (civets mongooses) |
Arcticitis |
binturong v. penicillata |
** |
musang binturong |
binturong |
Hemigalus |
derbyanus v. boiei |
** |
musang belang |
banded palm civet |
Herpestes |
brachyurus v. rajah |
** |
bambun ekor pendek |
short-tailed mongoose |
Paguma |
larvata |
** |
musang lamri |
masked palm civet |
Paradoxurus |
hermaphroditis v. sabanus |
** |
musang pulat |
common palm civet |
Prionodon |
linsang |
** |
musang linsang |
banded linsang |
Viverra |
tangalunga v. tangalunga |
** |
musang tanggalong |
Malay civet |
Order Carnivora, Family Felidae (cats) |
Felis |
bengaliensis v. borneoensis |
** |
kucing batu |
leopard cat |
Felis |
marmorata |
** |
kucing dahan |
marbled cat |
Neofelis |
nebulosa v. diardi |
*** |
harimau dahan |
clouded leopard |
List legend |
Genus |
species |
** |
B |
nama Melayu |
English name |
*** |
Protection status * = hunting license required **= protected; license required for collection ***= strictly protected |
B |
Species only known from Borneo |