www.DiveSabah.com |
Otters and martens are quite common in Tabin and watching their family groups hunting or at play is one of the treats available along the waterways of Tabin. The sun bear is common on the western side of Tabin and near the core area as well especially at the Lipad Virgin Jungle Reserve and at Ragged Hill. These bears have been hunted to extinction in many parts of Asia because their gall bladder is reputed to have medicinal value but they are well protected in Tabin. |
ICN photo of Sabah Museum specimen |
Order Carnivora, Family Ursidae (bears) |
Helarctos |
malayanus v. europhilus |
*** |
beruang madu |
sun bear |
Order Carnivora, Family Mustelidae (martens, otters) |
Aonyx |
cinerea v. cinera |
** |
memerang kecil |
small-clawed otter |
Lutra |
sumatrana |
** |
memerang kumis |
hairy-nosed otter |
Martes |
flavigula v. saba |
** |
mengkira |
yellow-throated marten |
Mustela |
nudipes |
** |
pulasan tanah |
Malay weasel |
Mydaus |
javanensis v. lucifer |
** |
teledu |
Malay badger |
List legend |
Genus |
species |
** |
B |
nama Melayu |
English name |
*** |
Protection status * = hunting license required **= protected; license required for collection ***= strictly protected |
B |
Species only known from Borneo |