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Twenty-nine species of plants in Tabin have been identified as having medicinal value. Some can be used to remedy cuts and wounds, skin and eye infections. Others can treat muscular pains, fever and headaches or are remedies for health complaints affecting young children such as acute abdominal pains, irritation or pain caused by erupting teeth during teething process and treatment for premature babies. There are also specific treatments for mothers recuperation from childbirth. It is likely that numerous other plants of medicinal value remain to be discovered in the reserve. |
Family Acanthaceae (black-eyed susan family) |
Gendarussa vulgaris |
kougom sidum |
Boils and swellling around neck region; general malaise |
Young leaves as poultice and applied as paste with a touch of salt and coconut oil |
Family Bignoniaceae (bignonia family) |
Bignonia spp. |
biluwi |
Fever, vomiting, chills |
Leaves as poultice together with Ficis sp. |
Family Compositae (sunflower family) |
Ageratum spp. |
bawing luman |
Cuts and skin infections |
Leaves as poultice applied to affected areas |
Blumea balsamifera |
embong |
Dizziness, fever, headache |
Leaves boiled together with Clausena excavata and Sphaeranthus sp. |
Elephantopus scaber |
saraman |
Wounds, cuts, stomach ache |
Leaves as paste for wounds and cuts) or as tea (stomach ache). |
Eupatorium odoratum |
molosia |
Stomach ache and gastric ulcers |
Rhizome pounded as paste and applied on forehead |
Veronia arborea |
embong gaid |
Stomach and chest pain; cuts and sores on skin |
Leaves pounded and applied as paste on affected region |
Family Convolvulaceae (morning glory family) |
Merremia borneansis |
kubat belan |
Post-natal care for premature babies |
Leaves warmed and used to wrap baby |
Family Cyperaceae (sedges) |
Cyperus aromaticus |
dukut kiput |
Post-partum aid to mothers |
Young leaves as decoction used together with Elusine indica, Leea indica, Leea saxatilis, Uncaria spp. and Cocos nucifera |
Family Euphorbiaceae (spurges) |
Jatropha curcas |
tangan-tangan |
Severe headache |
Stems pounded together with Cordyline terminalis and applied as paste to forehead |
Mallotus macrostachythus |
bayur |
Boils and skin infections |
Stems and bark; pounded into paste and applied topically |
Phyllanthus ninuri |
nipon-nipon |
Teething problems and associated symptoms in babies |
Seeds boiled and taken as tea |
Family Graminae (grasses) |
Elusine indica |
dukut kambing |
Post-partum aid to mothers |
All parts except roots; warmed over fire wrapped in Musa parassidiacca together with Cyperus aromaticus, Leea saxatilis, Leea indica, Uncaria sp. and Cocos nucifera |
Imperata cylindrica |
pimpin |
Fever |
Roots boiled as teas |
Family Leguminosae (legumes) |
Cassia alata |
bunga belur |
Ringworm, skin infections |
Young leaves applied as paste |
Family Liliaceae (lily family) |
Cordyline terminalis |
litik |
Severe headache |
Stems pounded together with stems of Jatropa curcus and applied to forehead as paste |
Family Malvaceae (mallow & fanpetal family) |
Sida rhombifolia |
seleguri, lingkabau |
Skin infections & impetigo |
Leaves pounded and applied as paste |
Family Marantaceae (one of the ginger families) |
Donax canniformis |
lias |
Eye infections such as conjunctivitis |
Juice of young leaves dripped directly into infected eye |
Family Melastomaceae (meadow beauty family) |
Melastoma malabrathricum |
gasing |
Deep cuts and wounds |
Leaves pounded and applied as paste |
Family Moraceae (fig trees) |
Ficus spp. |
tepong |
Fever, vomiting, chills |
Young leaves as poultice and applied to stomach region; used together with Anthocephalus chinensis and Bignonia spp. |
Family Palmae (palm trees) |
Cocos nucifera |
ning |
coconut palm |
Post-partum aid to mothers |
Processed essential oils used together with Elusine indica, Cyperus aromaticus, Leea indica and Uncaria spp. |
Family Rubiaceae (gardenia, coffee & quinine family) |
Anthocephalus chinensis |
laran, bekol |
Fever, vomiting, chills |
Young leaves as poultice and applied to stomach region; used together with Ficus spp. and Bignonia spp. |
Uncaria spp. |
garak |
Post-partum aid to mothers |
Young leaves as decoction used together with Cyperus aromaticus, Elusine indica, Leea indica, Leea saxatilis and Cocos nucifera |
Clausena excevata |
assam |
Dizziness, fever, headache |
Leaves boiled and used as tea or bath |
Family Sapindaceae (soapberries) |
Guina pleuropteris |
tinggir manok |
Stomach ache and colic in children |
Stems boiled together with rice to form paste and applied to stomach region |
Family Thelypteridaceae (ferns) |
Sphaerostephanos spp. |
assam jantan |
Dizziness, fever, headache |
Leaves boiled together with Clausenia excavata and Blumea balsamifera for teas and bath |
Family Vitaceae (grapevines) |
Leea indica |
mamali |
Post-partum aid to mothers |
Young leaves as decoction used together with Cyperus aromaticus, Elusine indica, Leea saxatilis, Uncaria spp. and Cocos nucifera |
Leea saxatilis |
mamali |
Post-partum aid to mothers |
Young leaves as decoction used together with Cyperus aromaticus, Elusine indica, Leea indica, Uncaria spp. and Cocos nucifera |
Tetrastigma trifoliata |
kayu limo |
Malaise, general lethargy and chills |
Leaves pounded and applied as paste on forehead and chest |
Tetrastigma lanceolarium |
kayu limo |
Malaise, general lethargy and chills |
Leaves pounded and applied as paste on forehead and chest |
Family Zingiberaceae (gingers) |
Elintgeria brevilabris |
tolidus |
Headache in post-partum mothers |
Rhizome pounded as paste and applied on forehead |
List legend |
Genus |
species |
Local name(s) |
English name |