www.DiveSabah.com |
Ninety-nine species from 19 families have been identified as food sources for wildlife. Parts eaten depend on which wildlife is feeding on the plant. Some eat the fruits or seeds, others eat the leaves, roots and bark of the trees. Many birds eat fruits as well as seeds. Primates eat fruits and young leaves. Ungulates usually eat fruit, young leaves or shoots and some, such as pigs, eat roots. Some large mammals, such as tembadau, feed on grass and leaves in the herb layer on the forest floor. Ninety percent of Tabin is secondary forest. This type of forest tends to be beneficial for large mammals in terms of food availability. Plant species such as Macaranga, Ficus, Uncaria (woody climbers), gingers and grass grow more in open areas than enclosed canopy. Most of these species can be found along abandoned logging roads that have been left for several years after logging activities ceased. Some species such as Dimorcarpos longau, which is a favourite food source for many primates, are widespread throughout Tabin. Ten percent of Tabin is primary forest that is beneficial to certain bird and primate species, as well as some ungulates. |
Family Alangiaceae (alangium) |
primates, squirrels, birds |
Alangium |
ebenaceum |
kondolon |
Family Anacardiaceae (mango family) |
rhinoceros, primates, flying fox, squirrels |
Dracontomelon |
mangiferum |
sengkaung |
Koordersiodendron |
pinnatum |
ranggu |
Mangifera |
pajang |
bambangan |
Parishia |
insignis |
layang-layang |
Semecarpus |
sp. |
rengas duri |
Family Annonaceae (papaya family) |
squirrels, birds, civets, rats |
Cananga |
odorata |
bunga gadung |
Desmos |
chinensis |
pisang monyet |
Family Apocynaceae (frangipani family) |
rhinoceros, deer, squirrels & other animals. |
Alstonia |
macrophylla |
pulai daun besar |
Alstonia |
angustiboba |
pulai bukit |
Alstonia |
spatulata |
pulai basung |
Dyera |
costulata |
jelutong bukit |
Tabernaemantana |
macrocorpa |
burut-burut |
Family Bombaceae (durian family) |
primates, squirrels, sun bear, hornbills, elephants |
Coetastegia |
griffithii |
punggai |
Durio |
grandiflorus |
durian hutan |
Durio |
griffithii |
durian kuning |
Durio |
zibethinus |
durian putih |
Neesia |
synandra |
durian monyet |
Family Burseraceae (olive family) |
primates, squirrels, civets |
Canarium |
denticulatum |
kedondong |
Canarium |
decumanum |
pamatadon |
Dacryodes |
macrocarpa |
kedondong |
Family Combretaceae (mangrove family) |
primates, squirrels, barking deer, birds |
Terminalia |
citrina |
talisai jambu |
Family Datiscaceae (datisca family) |
Sumatran rhinoceros, tembadau, langurs |
Octomeles |
sumatrana |
binuang |
Family Dilleniaceae (dillenia family) |
barking deer, mouse deer, squirrels, birds |
Dillenia |
excelsa |
simpoh laki |
Dillenia |
grandiflora |
simpoh bini |
Family Dipterocarpaceae (camphor, hopea & shorea trees) |
pigs, primates, civets |
Dipteracarpus |
confertus |
keruning kerukup |
Dipteracarpus |
caudiferus |
keruning putih |
Dryobolanops |
aromatica |
kapur barus |
Dryobolanops |
rappa |
kapur paya |
Dryobolanops |
lanceolata |
kapur paji |
Hopea |
beccariana |
selangan penak |
Parashorea |
melanonan |
urat mata daun licin |
Parashorea |
tomentella |
urat mata beludu |
Shorea |
acuminatissima |
seraya kuning runcing |
Shorea |
agamii |
seraya agama |
Shorea |
grossivenia |
pengiran kunyit |
Shorea |
leprosula |
seraya tembaga |
Shorea |
melistopteryx |
kawang burung |
Shorea |
macrophylla |
kawang jantong |
Family Euphorbiaceae (spurge, rubber plant & macaranga family) |
Sumatran rhinoceros, primates, deer, squirrels, birds |
Baccaurea |
angulata |
belimbing hutan |
Baccaurea |
bracteata |
tampoi paya |
Baccaurea |
motleyana |
rambai |
Baccaurea |
lanceolata |
limpaung |
Endospermum |
diadenum |
sendok-sendok mata |
Endospermum |
peltatum |
marapang |
Glochidion |
rubrum |
obah nasi |
Macaranga |
beccariana |
sedaman jari |
Macaranga |
gigantea |
merkubang |
Macaranga |
hypoleuca |
sedaman putih |
Macaranga |
tanarius |
lingkabong |
Omalanthus |
populynes |
ludai susu |
Family Fagaceae (chestnut, beech, oak family) |
giant suirrels, civets, birds, wild boar, mouse deer |
Castanopsis |
motleyana |
berangan |
Lithocarpus |
echinifer |
mempening rambut |
Quercus |
elmari |
mempening |
Trigonobalanus |
verficillatus |
mempening babi |
Family Guttiferae (mangosteen family) |
primates, squirrels, civets, birds, wild boar, mouse deer |
Garcinia |
forbesii |
bebata |
Garcinia |
mangostana |
manggis |
Garcinia |
parvifolia |
kandis |
Family Lauraceae (cinnamon, ironwood, sassafras, avocado family) |
hornbills, giant squirrels, civets, porcupine, other birds |
Eusideroxylon |
zwageri |
belian |
Litsea |
graciae |
pengolaban |
Notaphoebe |
oovata |
lamau-lamau |
Family Leguminosae (nitrogen fixing trees) |
orang utan, squirrels, birds, gibbon, other primates |
Afzelia |
borneensis |
ipil darat |
Ormosia |
bancana |
saga |
Pericopsis |
mooniana |
ipil ayer |
Saraca |
declinata |
gapis |
Sympetalandra |
borneensis |
merbau lalat |
Family Meliaceae (meliaceae family) |
primates, civets, squirrels, wild boar |
Aglaia |
argentea |
koping-koping |
Aglaia |
elliptica |
lantupak jambu |
Aglaia |
odoratissima |
langsat-langsat |
Amoora |
rubiginosa |
lantupak paya |
Sandoricum |
maingayi |
sentul hutan |
Xylocarpus |
granatum |
nyireh |
Family Moraceae (fig & mulberry family) |
rhinoceros (Antiarus); pig & hornbill (Artocarpus); deer, partridges, primates |
Antiarus |
toxicaria |
paliu |
Artocarpus |
anisophyllus |
jerap ikal |
Artocarpus |
dadah |
buruni |
Artocarpus |
elasticus |
jerap togop |
Artocarpus |
tamaran |
jimbagan |
Ficus |
xylophylla |
kayu ara |
Family Rhizophoraceae (mangroves) |
primates, birds, fish, prawns, crab |
Bruguiera |
cylindrica |
beus |
Bruguiera |
gymnorrhiza |
pulut |
Bruguiera |
parvifolia |
lenggadai |
Bruguiera |
sexangula |
mata buaya |
Ceriops |
tagal |
tengar |
Rhizophora |
mucronata |
bakau kurap |
Rhizophora |
apiculata |
bangkita |
Family Rubiaceae (gardenia, coffee & quinine family) |
Sumatran rhinoceros, primates, barking deer, mouse deer, squirrels, civets |
Anthocephalus |
chinensis |
laran, bekol |
Nauclea |
subdita |
bangkal kuning |
Nauclea |
gigantea |
bangkal daun besar |
Neonauclea |
bernadoi |
bangkal merah |
Family Sapindaceae (rambutan family) |
primates, squirrels, civets, flying lemur, flying squirrels, pigs |
Euphorea |
malaiensis |
mata kucing |
Nephelium |
lappaceum |
rambutan |
Nephelium |
mutabile |
meritam |
Nephelium |
maingayi |
kelamondoi |
Paranephelium |
nitidum |
Legend |
Family Name (common name of family) |
animals that feed on this family of plants |
Genus |
species |
common name |