Raleigh International (see links, below) has run expeditions to Sabah more or less annually from 1987 to 2003. Raleigh is clearing new Tabin trails during 2003 and one of their earlier projects in Sabah was to improve and extend a trail that started at the Tabin Wildlife Headquarters area, proceeded about 23 km. to the Core Area of the Virgin Jungle Reserve and continued for about 80 km. through the VJR and all the way to the Eastern boundary of Tabin Wildlife Reserve. Not all of this trail has been maintained but some portions are in use by trekkers, researchers and Rangers. Click thumbnail for full-sized map |
The portion of the trail running from the Tabin Wildlife Visitors’ Centre to the Core Area (map above) was once drivable all the way but vehicles can now proceed only to about km. 6. From that point the trail is fairly clear trekking to the Core Area. The entire 23 km. Core Trail is scheduled for restoration to drivable status during the coming year. A variety of habitats can be seen, encountered or easily reached from the Raleigh trail. Some of these are illustrated in the map (above) and all are listed in the “Habitats” section above. |
There are several side-trails connected to the main route and sites such as the veil-falls, pools and swallow caves are accessible through these (ICN photo left). As you reach the Core Area there is a campsite under the trees near the Tabin River that can be used as a base for forays through jungle trails or along the river (Riine Hynniene photo, right). There is no guarantee that you will get lucky and see big animals on the trail but you can usually see sign of elephants, deer, wild boar or buffalo. |
If you are having a lucky day you may find yourself sharing the trail with herds of elephants (right) and sambar deer (left). These shots were taken during one afternoon on the Raleigh Trail with a simple “snapshot” camera. (ICN photos). |