We tie together several independent venue and service providers that share similar convictions concerning diving-, action-, nature- and eco-tourism and who provide world-class service. |
As an associated group of independent providers we can offer you the scope of services of a large operator but the personal service and flexibility that is best provided by owner-operated enterprises. Read more about us >>> |
Enjoy your time in the water, along the seashore, on the river or in the jungle. Don't waste time struggling with arrangements - contact us for: |
Information & Guiding Materials |
A venue without guiding
material is like a computer without
software. |
strive to provide
the best available overview of dive,
action and ecotourism venues in Sabah.
Our online
Tabin Wildlife
Guide to Diving
in Sabah
are our
first guiding products. These guides
will soon be available in hard-copy
and electronic forms.
you book with us you get the guides
for free.
also have guides in preparation for
other topics in the realm of Dive Sabah. |
Facilitation Services |
We are "Dive Sabah" because we specialise in visits that capitalise on Borneo's unique blend of first-class reef, river, mountain and jungle venues. We have several example itineraries and can custom-build one that suits your specific needs. |
What are your travel preferences? |
A stay at one special venue? |
A set itinerary involving two or more venues? |
A "go with the flow" tour of venues that lets you move around as you wish? |
First-class? Value-travel? On-the-cheap? |
can book you into any combination of Wildlife, Jungle and
Sipadan staying at Sipadan-Mabul Resort or dozens of other Borneo venues such as the newly opened (january 2025)Bohey Dulang Resort. |
Experience Tabin... Borneo's premier forest, birding & wildlife venue |
Dive Sipadan... and other fascinating under water sites in Borneo |